Member’s MarkBehind The Mark
Directed by Nic Yiallouris, Produced by Jennifer Pearlman, Production by The Mill, Agency is VMLY&R, Shot in Colombia
Directed by Juergen Bollmeyer, Produced by Christian Kruestler, Production by Gate.11, Shot in Spain
On Running
Directed by Jonas Hegi, Produced by Erinn Fitzgerald, Production by Builders Club, Shot in Spain
Directed by MILES & AJ, Produced by Jennifer Pearlman, Production by Pic Two, Agency is Pixel, Shot in Spain
Directed by Lesly Lynch + Ben Harris, Produced by Zu Al-Kadiri, Production by Mayda, Agency is Forsman&Bodenfors, Shot in Spain
Directed by Léa Simon, Produced by Adrien Lagier & Guillaume Rasquier, Production by Adeus Films, Shot in Spain
SmirnoffFor Whatever’s Next
Directed by Abteen Bagheri, Produced by Bridgitte Pugh, Production by Anonymous, Agency is 72andSunny, Shot in Brazil
Hewlett Packard EnterpriseMars and Beyond
Directed by Bryce Wymer, Produced by Laura Morris, Production by The Mill, Agency is Publicis, Shot in Colombia
Chase SapphireThe Sapphire Seven
Directed by Thibaut Grevet, Produced by Francis Mildmay-White, Production by Knucklehead, Agency is Droga5, Shot in Chile
Directed by Chris Balmond, Produced by Paul McPadden, Production by Outsider, Agency is Iris, Shot in Chile