Directed by Chris Balmond, Produced by Paul McPadden, Production by Outsider, Agency is Iris, Shot in Chile

Directed by Ben Smith + Andres Eguiguren , Produced by Tia Perkins, Production by The Mill, Agency is McCann, Shot in Chile

Directed by Felix Brady, Produced by Teru Haruta / Tom Farley, Production by Stink, Agency is Dentsu, Shot in Switzerland

MangoApril Campaign
Directed by Manson, Produced by Sophie Meister, Production by Production LA, Shot in Argentina

Directed by The Hudson Dusters, Produced by Luke Stevens, Production by Greenpoint, Agency is Campbell Ewald, Shot in Switzerland

Directed by Ben Gregor, Produced by Tim Katz, Production by Knucklehead, Agency is McGarryBowen, Shot in Chile

Directed by Lina Söderström, Produced by Marcus Henricsson, Production by B-Reel, Agency is Forsman&Bodenfors, Shot in United States

AkamaiThe Akamai Experience (Anthem)
Directed by Chris Finn, Produced by Rich Kaylor, Production by Scholar, Agency is Doremus, Shot in Colombia

SamsungUnited By Our Passions
Directed by Alaska, Produced by Hera King, Production by Iconoclast, Agency is Leo Burnett, Shot in Switzerland

State Street Global AdvisorsState Jungle/State Mermaid
Directed by Chris Palmer, Produced by Ciska Faulkner, Production by SKUNK, Agency is McCann, Shot in Colombia